8 Feb

this camino called life

After successful experiments in tortilla sandwiches (pb&j, how american), I’m inaugurating a new (probably not original) hashtag: #glutenfreeinguatemala

And on that note, enter “rellenitos,” my new edible obsession. Rellenitos translates roughly to “little filled things” in my mind, or more accurately little filled delicioiusness with NO GLUTEN. score.

They’re basically fried plantain dumplings filled with sweetened black bean sauce that cost about 3/8’s of a dollar. score again for cheap goodness. Here’s the recipe: (makes 6 servings)
-3 plantains, peeled and broken into chunks
-1/2 (16 ounce) can refried black beans
-1-1/2 teaspoons sugar
-1/2 teaspoon salt
-2 cups oil for frying

1. Place the plantains in water to cover in a large pot. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer until tender, 15 minutes. Drain and mash.
2. In a small saucepan over low heat, heat the refried beans. Stir in the sugar and salt…

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